However, lately, I've noticed that my thoughts have changed slightly. I'm WAY more desperate to think, "okay, I can do this." than before. So, while some of the 100 thoughts still apply, I thought I'd update the list a little.
The 80 Thoughts that Run Through Your Head at Pure Barre When You're in Your Third Trimester
(I really need a shorter title.)
I mean, the socks are basically perfect. |
- Okay, the thermostat is set at 76 today. You can totally survive that without fainting.
- One day I’ll get my old body back, and then I'll finally buy some Lululemon.
- Why does every woman in here but me have on Lululemon?
- I really wish I hadn't had that milkshake at lunch.
- Pay attention fool, you're kneeing yourself in the belly.
- Rock back on your tailbone? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- First set of curls. You got this. You've still got abs. Somewhere.
- Remember to drink water.
- You're about to give birth, you can plank for ninety seconds.
- …okay maybe you can't plank for ninety seconds.
- No, you can. Hang on to it. Fifteen seconds.
- It's totally okay to cry during side arm plank right?
- Why is the "wrap and reach" giving me vertigo?
- Oh goodie, F’ing push-ups.
- Drink some more water you're redder than a tomato.
- More push-ups. Yay.
- You did like 90% of the push-ups the instructor called out.
- You're basically indescribably awesome little momma.
- Shit. Tricep dips.
- Do I look this whale-like when I'm sitting at work?
- My feet are looking nice and balloon-like today.
- I really want a shortbread cookie.
- My arms are so strong!
- Why don't my arms look like this at home?
- These two lb. weights are heavy.
- If I can't lift four total pounds, how am I going to lift a baby?
- Yes! I got called out for good form.
- Wait, was it good form or hang in there?
- Either way, I’ll take it.
- I totally shouldn't have had that milkshake at lunch.
- First thigh, it’s a marathon not a sprint.
- Think about how small an inch is.
- Don't punk out of this first one.
- Don't punk out of this first one.
- It's almost final ten.
- Why do people stare when I slide into a spilt?
- Left side, you're about to be my bitch.
- …maybe not.
- Seat work. I can do this.
- I am so having a cookie after dinner.
- Pretzel. This is going to be fun.
- Who is breathing so loud?
- Crap, I think that's me.
- Left side! Strong Side!
- …that’s from a movie, I think. But which one?
- Remember the Titans! That's the movie!
- Abs against the wall, aka, folding your giant boobs into your giant belly.
- It feels so good to stretch my legs.
- I should be tucking harder but this stretch is really lovely.
- Shit, fast abs. Don't do diamond. Don't do diamond.
- Of course, freaking diamond.
- Mmmm, back stretch!
- Center of the room, almost to the door!
- C curve with a giant belly looks really odd.
- I look like a teeter totter.
- Strong arms up; you can do this!
- Time to rock some upper body curls.
- YES! I still have strong abs in there.
- Lower body curls. RIIIIGHT.
- I wonder if the lower body curls tickle the baby's head?
- It feels so awesome to arch my back.
- I hate this arm/leg stretch preggo modification.
- I might topple over.
- Was I supposed to do 12 or 15 on each side?
- Everyone looks like they are having sex.
- I wonder if I look like this having sex?
- {stifled giggles; dirty thought about husband.}
- These songs always make me miss college and cheap kamikaze shots.
- I don't remember this making the side of my seat burn so much.
- I love the stretching.
- I really love the stretching.
- Rock up? More like wiggle and look sort of like a fish out of water.
- My whole body feels awesome.
- I think I just meowed when the instructor stretched me.
- I feel amazing.
- Ah, yes, this feeling. This is why I come every day.
Linking up with Katie for Healthy Habits!