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Monday, April 11

The Hard Hat Diaries: Feeling Punchy

Yesterday, someone told me they admired my ability to cope and juggle my life. That really struck a cord—because half the time I feel like I am not coping or juggling anything.

Do you ever see those instagrams from people with a picture of coffee and say they have completely dominated the day? That's never me. I am usually warming up my coffee five hundred times before 10 a.m. and I never am on top of emails or the to-do list. And to have a Starbucks is a real treat.

But I do stay busy, and because of that busy-ness, and constant travel, and constant terrible juggling act, sometimes I go a week without remembering I need to double check the drafts of my little online space and hit publish on the very best cookie recipe I've ever made. So I promise, even though it was written in my planner to share that recipe last week—it's happening this week. I hope. 

Life lately has been dominated by a week long conference and expo my company produces in Atlanta, Ga. at the OMNI Hotel at CNN Center. Being a tourist in my hometown is weird. Like super weird. Anyway, I worked five 16-hour in a row days in five-inch heels and a set of black pencil skirts, so I've been a little punchy.

How punchy, you ask? 

Well, there are four new videos of me on the internet, punchy.
Great screen cap, youtube. Really appreciate that one.

I have a stack of paperwork and story notes to swim through about seven feet high, so if you need me I'll be practicing how to not bob and weave while a handheld camcorder is six feet away from me—because clearly I need the practice. #thisiswhyiwriteandnotbroadcast

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